The Disruption STIs are for the aggressive expert skier who goes all-in on every turn and demands a rock-solid edge hold. The Disruption STI utilizes a tighter turn radius for added agility and maneuverability – without sacrificing speed. Its Titanal I-Beam construction runs tip to tail along the center of the ski, optimally shaped to deliver stability in every turn.
Like other models in the Disruption family, Dark Matter Damping and a Speed Rocker profile deliver a smooth, deflection-free feel – elevating your game when conditions are firm and fast.
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The Disruption STIs are for the aggressive expert skier who goes all-in on every turn and demands a rock-solid edge hold. The Disruption STI utilizes a tighter turn radius for added agility and maneuverability – without sacrificing speed. Its Titanal I-Beam construction runs tip to tail along the center of the ski, optimally shaped to deliver stability in every turn.
Like other models in the Disruption family, Dark Matter Damping and a Speed Rocker profile deliver a smooth, deflection-free feel – elevating your game when conditions are firm and fast..
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